Navision Dynamics NAV -Price Matrix Window

Price policies in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Price policies in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Companies activating on price sensitive markets –  and that includes almost all the markets, must use different prices for different customers, according to sales volume or the special character of each vendor-customer relationship. There are always big customers or strategic customers to whom special prices must be granted, not the usual list prices available for everyone else.

In order to help in creating flexible price policies, in Dynamics NAV (Navision) there are special functionalities and we will show them using some business scenarios.

Special prices at customer level

Item prices can be established on each item card, but these prices are the same for all customers, no matter the transaction terms. Most often prices are negotiated on a contractual basis, and this creates special prices for a certain client. To enter such prices in Dynamics NAV, we are accessing the customer card, we are going on ”Navigate” tab and then click on button ”Prices”:

Navision Dynamics NAV - Customer Card Prices


A window will open and here we can enter special prices at the customers’ level and also some conditions affecting this prices;item number, unit of measure, minimum quantity for applying the price, price currency code, time period when the price is available etc.

Navision Dynamics NAV - Prices entering

Worth to be mentioned that prices policy can be combined with granted discounts or can be separated, discounts granted either at the item line or invoice level.

Customer price groups

The working scenario mentioned above can work very well if the company has few clients and it always negotiate the prices with each of them. But it does not work well when same prices apply to large groups (categories) of customers. In this situation is best to define prices at  groups’ level and then assign prices groups to customers.

For defining price groups, in Dynamics NAV we are using the window ”Customer Price Groups”, which is to be found here: Departments->Sales & Marketing->Order Processing->Setup->Customer Price  Groups

Navision Dynamics NAV - Customer Price Groups

Once the price groups are defined, then we have to assign them on the customer card, for each customer belonging to a certain group. The field for assignment is available on the “Invoicing” tab of customer card (see picture).

Navision Dynamics NAV - Customer price group assignment on customer card


For defining prices at customer price group level, we will access the same window where we previously defined sales prices at the customer level, the only difference is that on the window’s header we’ll select for the field “Sales Type Filter” the value “Customer Price Group”. In the picture bellow, we have defined for the item with number 1000 different prices and conditions for each customer price group.

Navision Dynamics NAV - Customer Price Groups per Items

Price matrix in Dynamics NAV(Navision)

For both situations, price at the customer level and price for customer price groups, we used for entering prices the same table, called “Sales prices”, just with different filters only. This is what we are calling a matrix window, where according to the filters established on the header, the information can be edited and displayed in different ways. Working with matrix windows provides great flexibility and coherence – that means that all the information regarding sales prices is in the same place.

Navision Dynamics NAV -Price Matrix Window

This table is versatile and multi-functional. By using various filters, you can analyze price history or you can export data in Excel for further analysis. Or, you can edit prices in Excel and import them back into Dynamics NAV (Navision). In the same table, you can define campaign prices, associated to sales campaigns defined in the CRM module available in Dynamics NAV. For further information regarding CRM functionalities in Dynamics NAV see the article: CRM functionalities in Dynamics NAV

Do you want to explore other functionalities in Dynamics NAV?  Check here: Dynamics NAV (Navision) Resources

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