Dynamics NAV (Navision) Manuals

Dynamics NAV (Navision) Manuals

Starting with Dynamics NAV 2013 version, Microsoft has ceased to provide manuals for Dynamics NAV. So, latest official manuals are those for NAV 2013 and now is available mostly online, but not as manuals. The product has been rebranded as Business Central and information about it can be found on Dynamics Learn.

Yet, we think manuals still have an advantage in being better structured and for those who still need to learn about Dynamics NAV, these manuals could prove valuable. Although they are for NAV 2013, newer versions of Dynamics NAV (NAV 2015, 2016, 2018) did not bring significant changes, especially regarding functionality. Here are some of them to be downloaded: Read more

Dynamics NAV (Navision) - Consumption Note

Inventory internal consumption in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Inventory internal consumption in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Companies use their inventory mainly for production – as raw materials, or for distribution as merchandise. But there is also inventory consumption for various internal needs, such as consumption for spare parts or fuel. For this type of inventory consumption  Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) has a functionality called ”Internal consumption”. Read more

Dynamics NAV - Navision -General Ledger Registers - GL Entries

General Ledger Registers in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

General Ledger Registers in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

One of the reasons for which companies choose to implement an ERP system is the fact that an ERP provides enhanced traceability for transactions recorded. Traceability means to know when a transaction has been made, where it was recorded, by whom, what kind of consequences generated etc. In Dynamics NAV (Navision)  traceability is secured by using ”General Ledgers Registers” – a table which logs each transaction. Read more

Navision - Dynamics NAV - General Ledger Setup

Dynamics NAV (Navision) – accounting posting period

Dynamics NAV (Navision) – accounting posting period

Every accounting software must have a mechanism to control the time interval when transaction recording is permitted. In many applications there is a procedure who ”closes” the recording period – usually a month, and the users can no longer  post transaction unless the period is ”reopened”.

ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV also has such a mechanism which limits operating errors but is flexible enough to ease user’s job. In order to control the interval for posting, we can define a posting interval available for everybody, or we can setup customized intervals at the user level.

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Navision Dynamics NAV -Price Matrix Window

Price policies in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Price policies in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Companies activating on price sensitive markets –  and that includes almost all the markets, must use different prices for different customers, according to sales volume or the special character of each vendor-customer relationship. There are always big customers or strategic customers to whom special prices must be granted, not the usual list prices available for everyone else.

In order to help in creating flexible price policies, in Dynamics NAV (Navision) there are special functionalities and we will show them using some business scenarios. Read more

Dynamics NAV - Navision - Sales Quote Restore

Dynamics NAV (Navision) – sales quotes and sales orders archiving

Dynamics NAV (Navision) – sales quotes and sales orders archiving

Business companies’ activities involve a continuous flow of trade documents and among them quotes and orders have a special position in fulfilling current operations. Although there are no legal requirements regarding storage into the business applications of quotes and orders, as it is the case with invoices and deliveries documents, it is desirable to have the possibility to keep the historical data. Read more

Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Navision - Payment Journals Line

Dynamics NAV (Navision) – export vendor payments to the bank

Dynamics NAV (Navision) – export vendor payments to the bank

Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) provides for the companies functionalities which allow an optimum management of financial flows. One of them makes possible to create automatic payments of the vendors, payments which can be transmitted electronically to the company’s bank.

For this purpose, it is used a special journal named “Payment Journal”. It can be accessed in  Dynamics NAV using the following path: Departments->Financial Management->Cash Management->Payment Journals Read more

Physical inventory in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Physical inventory in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Romanian accounting regulations specify that a company must, at least yearly, make an evaluation of active and passive elements, which is usually performed at the end of the fiscal year. Within active elements, the stocks require most effort. First, there is a physical determination of existing quantities, and then the counted quantities are compared with recorded quantities. If there are any differences, some regulation in the recorded systems is needed. Read more

Navision-Dynamics-NAV-Dimension Combinations

Setup of dimensions (cost centers) in Dynamics NAV

Setup of dimensions (cost centers) in Dynamics NAV

Financial management of a company requires, beyond information provided by financial accounting, information specific to the business of the company. For this purpose companies implement what is called cost accounting – tracing costs (and revenues) associated to products, processes, projects etc.

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Dynamics NAV - Navision - Fixed Assets Card- Image

Dynamics NAV – Fixed assets maintenance expenses tracing

Dynamics NAV – Fixed assets maintenance expenses tracing

Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) provide in its Fixed Assets Module a full tracing of any operation related to fixed assets: acquisition, depreciation, disposal, appreciation and write-down etc.

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