Dynamics NAV (Navision) - Consumption Note

Inventory internal consumption in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Inventory internal consumption in Dynamics NAV (Navision)

Companies use their inventory mainly for production – as raw materials, or for distribution as merchandise. But there is also inventory consumption for various internal needs, such as consumption for spare parts or fuel. For this type of inventory consumption  Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) has a functionality called ”Internal consumption”. This is not a standard Dynamics NAV functionality, but it is included in the Dynamics NAV (Navision) Romanian Localization  package provided by Kepler Management Systems for both Dynamics NAV and Dynamics 365 Business Central On-premises. However, if you are not a Kepler customer but you have a localized version of Dynamics NAV, it is highly probable that you have a similar functionality provided by your implementator.

Now, we will show how to record this internal consumption and how an inventory consumption note is printed.

First, in Dynamics NAV we have to go on the following path:

Departments->Warehouse->Inventory->Internal Consumptions

Dynamics NAV (Navision) - Inventory internal consumption path

As we click on the link, the list with internal consumptions will open, and here we  click on the button ”New” from menu. An empty inventory consumption card will open, like in the image below:

Dynamics NAV (Navision) - Inventory internal consumption empty card

On the header we have to fill in the following fields:

No. –  is a temporary number of the consumption note, it is allotted by the system from a number series when we are clicking with the mouse on the form, anywhere outside the field;

Location Code – here you select the location where inventory is consumed from;

Your Reference – contain an explanation regarding the reason for consumption;

Posting Date – it is the date when the consumption is happening;

Document Date –  for the present situation is identical with posting date, but in principle posting date and document date may be different ;

External Document Number –  you can enter a document number, which is different from the one automatically allotted by the system when posting;

Cost Centers (global dimensions) – in the example illustrated we have two cost centers, called ” Produs (Product)” and ”Tipuri Venit (Types of Income)” but their name vary according to each implementation, because each company has its own structure of cost centers. For further details regarding cost centers, please consult the article: Setup of dimensions (cost centers) in Dynamics NAV

On the lines we have to fill in: 

No. –  it will be selected the item from item list;

Description –  by default it is the description from item card, but it can be modified;

Posting Group – it is filled in by default from item card;

Gen. Prod. Posting Group – it is filled in by default from item card;

Location Code –  filled in automatically from header;

Unit of Measure Code – it is filled in by default from item card, but it can be modified;

Quantity –  quantity to be consumed;

Apply to Item Entry –  here we can select an item entry to apply to, for the item to be consumed. The selection has relevance for calculating the cost of consumption. If we do not apply, the system will apply in FIFO manner.

Finally, an internal consumption card filled in could look like this:

Dynamics NAV (Navision) - internal consumption card

The user will click on ”Post” button, a confirmation message will appear, and then the consumption note will be recorded and the inventory diminished.

In order to print the consumption note, we have to go on ”Posted internal consumption” list, which is to be found on the same page as ”Internal consumption”. Printing can be made either directly from the list, or by opening the posted internal consumption card:Dynamics NAV (Navision) - Consumption Note


Do you want to explore other functionalities in Dynamics NAV?  Check here: Dynamics NAV (Navision) Resources

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