Dynamics 365 Business Central (Navision) - Centrul de rol

Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 – Release Wave 1

Dynamics 365 Business Central new version – 2021 Release Wave 1

At the beginning of April, Microsoft launched a new version of Dynamics 365 Business Central, available in cloud and on-premises. This new version brings, aside some technical improvements, a bunch of functionalities which will be surely appreciated by users. We will mention, briefly, the most important ones.

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Kampen Machinefabriek has improved efficiency with Dynamics 365 Business Central

Kampen Machinefabriek has improved  efficiency with Dynamics 365 Business Central

Kampen Machinefabriek is a Dutch company working in the oil, gas, and construction drilling market. For about 30 years, it manufactures downhole tools and repairs customers’ existing drilling tools. Kampen Machinefabriek prides with its top-quality customer service and quick response time to customers’ demands and proved to be a consistently successful company. Read more

Dynamics 365 Business Central – new version October 2019

Dynamics 365 Business Central – new version October 2019

At the beginning of the October Microsoft launched a new version of ERP system Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, version called  ”Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2”.

The new version, is a technological milestone for Dynamics 365 Business Central history (known in the past as Dynamics NAV or Navision), because there is no more  Windows client – Web client only, and modifications to the system can be made exclusively by using extensions. The old development environment, C/SIDE, is now gone and all standard objects were replaced by an extension,  named ”Base Application”. Now the only development environment is Visual Studio Code. Read more

Promoție upgrade de la Jet Reports la Jet Analytics

Promoție upgrade de la Jet Reports la Jet Analytics

În această perioadă, până pe 30 septembrie, compania Jet Global Data Technologies desfășoară o campanie promoțională prin care clienții Jet Reports care doresc un upgrade la soluția superioară Jet Analytics (anterior denumită Jet Reports Enterprise) pot beneficia de discounturi semnificative.

Jet Reports este un instrument de analiză și raportare ce permite conectarea direct la baza de date din Dynamics NAV și afișarea datelor în Excel. Jet Reports e optimizat pentru utilizarea cu Dynamics NAV (Navision) și Dynamics 365 Business Central și vine cu o serie de rapoarte predefinite ce pot fi utilizate ca atare, sau ca șabloane care se pot adapta rapid pentru obținerea de rapoarte personalizate. Read more

Jet Global Data Technologies has been acquired by Insightsoftware

Jet Global Data Technologies has been acquired by Insightsoftware

At the beginning of this month,  Insightsoftware, world leader in financial reporting tools, has acquired Jet Global Data Technologies.

Jet Global was founded in 2002 and since then is a company dedicated to delivery of tools for analysis, reporting and budgeting for Microsoft Dynamics products, and it is leader in this area.

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Dynamics 365 Business Central (Navision) - Role Center

Dynamics 365 Business Central (Navision) – new version april 2019

Dynamics 365 Business Central (Navision) – new version april 2019

At the beginning of this month Microsoft launched a new version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (former Dynamics NAV/Navision). The new version is available both on-premises and in cloud and brings functional and technical improvements.

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Dynamics NAV - Dynamics 365 Business Central

Licensing Changes for Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises

Licensing Changes for Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises

Starting from October’s launch of the new version of Dynamics NAV, called Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises, Microsoft has made some changes regarding licensing policy and in this article we want to inform our customers and all who are interested about the changes made.

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The new version of Dynamics NAV, called Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises has been launched!

The new version of Dynamics NAV, called Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises has been launched!

Starting from October, Microsoft has made available a new version of Dynamics NAV, which from now on will be named  Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises. Dynamics 365 Business Central is actually a version of Dynamics NAV for Cloud only, and till recently it did not have all the functionalities  existing in Dynamics NAV. Read more

Dynamics Business Central - Dynamics NAV -Navision

Dynamics NAV is rebranded as Dynamics 365 Business Central

Starting from October 2018 in Romania will be available the new version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, renamed as Dynamics 365 Business Central. Read more

Kepler Management Systems becomes Gold Microsoft Enterprise Resource Planning Partner

Kepler Management Systems becomes Gold Microsoft Enterprise Resource Planning Partner

Kepler Management Systems, implementer of Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP system, announces its new status of Microsoft Gold Enterprise Resource Planning Partner.

The status of Microsoft Gold ERP Partner reflects the positive trend of the company, expressed by the number and size of ERP implementations, by the customer base stability and by recommendations granted by the customers.

” For more than ten years we are on the market and we have an organic growth. We have been attentive to each customer, and each new implementation was a step forward, a valuable experience to provide for our customers. Most of the customers who implemented with us are still with us, and that is a proof that we are good at what we are doing, and the Gold Partner status is one more sign that we are on the right path” declares Genovel Iovu, General Manager Kepler Management Systems.

The Gold Certification is the highest status provided by Microsoft to its partners, recognizing the excellence level and the dedication for creating and delivering solutions and innovative services, based on Microsoft technology and products.

Besides Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Kepler Management Systems implements Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM), Business Intelligence platforms, Microsoft Azure Cloud services and tools for individual productivity, such Office 365. Additionally, there are available Dynamics NAC add-ons for auto industry, mobile sales, resources scheduling etc.

The rich solutions’ portfolio, the actual customer’s base, the maturity and the experience of the implementation team, all these are good premises for a positive evolution in the following years.