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Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 – Release Wave 1

Dynamics 365 Business Central new version – 2021 Release Wave 1

At the beginning of April, Microsoft launched a new version of Dynamics 365 Business Central, available in cloud and on-premises. This new version brings, aside some technical improvements, a bunch of functionalities which will be surely appreciated by users. We will mention, briefly, the most important ones.

First, the accountants will be happier because, from now on, in Dynamics 365 Business Central dimensions (cost centers) can be modified on transactions already posted. It has been implemented a functionality which allows to the user to rectify dimension values for transactions – and this is necessary if a human error happened or as a reallocation process on dimensions. There is also available a log of dimensions’ changes, in order to ensure traceability.

Dynamics 365 Business Central - Corecție dimensiuni

And there is more on dimensions. If we are setting a mandatory dimension for a system entity (such as G/L account, customer, item etc.), in the new version we can choose a range o dimensions allowed for posting, while in previous versions we could choose just one value. This will surely help for reducing operating errors.

Dynamics 365 Business Central - Valori dimensiuni permise

For items, in Dynamics 365 Business Central there are now available documents for reception/consumption which adjust inventory as a consequence of internal activities (positive or negative adjustments). We can use these for various reasons, for example, if we are making a physical inventory and detect an item surplus, we can record a reception document  – and we can print the document to justify the positive adjustment of the inventory.

Dynamics 365 Business Central - Documente Recepție Stoc

Other new functionality regarding items – now can be created pages associated to lots and serial numbers, and in these pages users can enter various information. There are industries where such information is needed, in order to have a better quality management.

Dynamics 365 Business Central -Fișă info serie numerică

As for the user interface, since previous versions has been put accent on using various notifications to help the users and on using wizards to setup and automate tasks. This trend is continued in this new version as well, and there is an enhancement regarding working speed – the pages are opening faster in the browser.

Those who are using contacts in Business Central will see that the contact card has been modified – for better. Now, one can see contact’s interactions right from the contact card.

Dynamics 365 Business Central - Fișă Contact

And also regarding contacts: in the new version they are integrated with Microsoft Teams. Contacts defined in Business Central can be searched from Microsoft Teams and related information is available: interactions, open documents etc.

Dynamics 365 Business Central - Contacte în Teams


Do you want to explore other functionalities in Business Central?  Check here: Business Central Resources

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