Dynamics NAV - Navision - Fixed Assets Card- Image

Dynamics NAV – Fixed assets maintenance expenses tracing

Dynamics NAV – Fixed assets maintenance expenses tracing

Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Navision) provide in its Fixed Assets Module a full tracing of any operation related to fixed assets: acquisition, depreciation, disposal, appreciation and write-down etc.

Yet, now we will detail one specific operation, recording and tracing fixed assets maintenance and repair expenses. These expenses can be significant and is opportune to manage and analyse them at the fixed asset level.

Maintenance information on fixed asset card

Each fixed asset may have associated information related to its maintenance, in Fixed Asset Card, on the ”Maintenance” tab (see photo).

Dynamics NAV - Navision - Fixed Assets Card-Maintenance Data

Here we can provide information such as:

  • If the fixed asset is on maintenance
  • The vendor who provides maintenance – selected from vendors’ list
  • Date of the next service
  • Date when the warranty expires
  • If the fixed assets is insured

Detailed information regarding maintenance operations can be entered on the page “Maintenance Registration”, which is accessible also from fixed asset card.

Dynamics NAV - Navision - Fixed Assets Card-Maintenance Registration

Recording maintenance and repair expenses

Fixed Assets  Module can work as a stand-alone module, without connection with the accounting. In order to post in both modules maintenance expense invoices, it is needed to setup the expenses G/L Account ( 611 – Maintenance and repair expenses) in the window “FA Posting Groups”.

Dynamics NAV - Navision - FA Posting Groups Maintenance Account


Once the connection between modules is made, expenses invoices may be posted detailed, on each fixed asset. In the image bellow you can see a fixed asset maintenance invoice, where is specified the number of the fixed assets to whom the expense is associated.Dynamics NAV - Navision - Maintenance Purchase Invoice

If maintenance expenses must be recorded outside the accounting systems, this is possible by using FA journals in the fixed assets module.

Fixed assets maintenance and repair expenses analysis

Tracing maintenance fixed assets expenses can be made :

  • Directly from the fixed assets card:

Dynamics NAV - Navision -Maintenance Ledger Entries

  • Running specific reports:

Dynamics NAV - Navision - Fixed Assets Reports


Do you want to explore other functionalities in Dynamics NAV?  Check here: Dynamics NAV (Navision) Resources

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